Should I Travel in the Midst of Covid-19?

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By now you should be familiar with the novel Coronavirus known as Covid-19. I first heard about this virus through news reports in January 2020. This virus initially started in Wuhan, China and rapidly spread to other parts of the country, shutting the nation down.

As many expected, the disease eventually spread to other parts of the world. Certain countries such as Iran, Italy, and South Korea have an extremely high rate of infection. While the disease has infected many in Asia, Europe, and now the U.S.; countries in the Caribbean, Africa, and South America seem to be unaffected, at least by comparison.


So what does that mean for you and your travel plans? Well, it depends. It depends on quite a few factors, including your destination and any current travel restrictions to and from that country. However, at the end of the day, it really all depends on you.

I already know my opinion isn’t going to be very popular among the travel community. I’m a part of many travel groups on facebook and I read lots of other travel blogs. Folks are still going on their vacations. I’m sure you’ve noticed all the posts, comments, and memes about how airlines have slashed their prices and how everyone is grabbing cheap tickets to dream destinations. I’m seeing things like “These flight prices are wild. Who wants to go for lunch in Puerto Rico tomorrow.” However, I’m probably going to be one of the few travel bloggers to tell you not to travel and stay home instead. This goes for international and domestic travel.

Coronavirus and Travel - footprintsinculture

Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve been around for H1N1, Sars, zika, and even ebola. I don’t remember being too worried about any of these as much as I am about Covid-19. Probably because I was younger then. Definitely because I’m a mom now. Mostly because of the reality of the situation. This coronavirus is a brand new virus, something we humans have never experienced before. It is new to our immune systems and has proven to be fatal to some. It has been spreading rapidly and now it’s a pandemic.

So can I travel or not? Like I said, that is definitely up to you. It is after all your privilege. But before you purchase that ticket, please consider a few things.

Covid-19 is highly contagious

Covid-19 is extremely contagious and anyone can get infected. This disease is a novel coronavirus which is new to us and our immune systems. It has a long incubation period, where an individual could be infected and may not know until 14 days after. Reactions vary on a case by case basis. It may seem like just a cold to some, while extremely fatal to others.

While the virus seems to be more hazardous to older people (65 and over) and those with underlying conditions, it infects everyone. While it appears as though it is not harmful to young children, children can still be infected and therefore serve as vectors, passing the virus on to others.

So if you are still asking if you can travel and actually considering travel at this time, chances are you are a young person who is pretty healthy and does not fall into any of the high risk categories. You’re probably not 65 years or older. You probably don’t have an underlying condition such as diabetes, asthma, lung disease, kidney or liver disease, or you are not immunocompromised.

Awesome for you. Potentially catastrophic for others. Because while your immune system may be strong enough to fight off the infection, you may serve as a carrier and infect someone more vulnerable, who may possibly die as a result.

Covid-19 is now a Pandemic

On March 11, 2019, the World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a pandemic. This means that the virus is spreading over a large geographic region. Viruses are able to spread from one region of the world to the other through it’s hosts (us). This is possible because we travel, and it’s a lot easier (and quicker) to travel worldwide nowadays. So please think twice before you jump on a plane or take that cruise. Even if you’re going to an unaffected region, Airports and cruise ships are cesspools for this virus right now. You never know who you will sit beside or come in contact with. You could likely become infected and also become a carrier of this virus.

Where are you going?

Some things should be a no-brainer right? Trips to China, Iran, Italy, and South Korea right now are simply a bad idea. Even if you already decided you are going, there are travel restrictions to and from these countries, so chances are you wouldn’t be able to go anyway. And even if you were allowed to go, would you? I mean I’m all for adventure and I really hate cancelling trips (remember my hurricane dilemma with our Turks and Caicos vacay?) but come on!

Well what about other countries? Most countries in the Caribbean, South America, and Africa have not been affected by the coronavirus, as yet. Surely I can travel there right? Well, I guess you could, but please consider the fact that if you are from a country that has already been affected, you traveling to one of these unaffected countries puts that country and its people at risk!

So while you may see this as a wonderful opportunity to score some cheap airfare tickets and take that vacation you’ve always dreamed about, you could be acting as a carrier transmitting the disease to one of these nations and its people.

Don’t believe me? Ask Jamaica – who before yesterday was Covid-19 free. Now, there are two confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus, both from folks traveling from the U.K.

To put this in an even bigger perspective, if you really take the time to stop and think about this – do most of the countries in the Caribbean, South America and Africa have the capacity to deal with Covid-19 on a large scale? I don’t think so. Look at what’s happening to Italy right now. Now imagine this happening to the countries in the Caribbean, South America, and Africa.

So yeah, while you’re free to go on your vacation because well, it’s your vacation, please take some time to consider the people of the country you are visiting.

Are you willing to put your family, friends, loved ones at risk?

Let’s not forget the people in your own country, including your family, friends, and loved ones. Let’s say you go on a vacation to another country (or state) that is affected and then return to yours. You could be putting your loved ones at risk.

Keep in mind Covid-19 has a very long incubation period (2-14 days), which means you could be infected but not show symptoms for days. You may not even show any symptoms and seem fine, when in fact you’re a carrier. So if you return and kiss your spouse, or your child, or your parents, you could potentially be passing the infection on to them without even knowing. Do you really want to put their lives at risk?

Believe it or not, there is a bigger picture … bigger than you and your travel plans.

The truth is, it’s not just about you. It’s about all of us. We all live on this planet. Traveling at this point in time will put others at risk. Put your privilege and entitlement aside and be considerate of others. If you are not worried about your own health please do not be selfish and put other lives at risk. Do your part. Stay home.


Should I Travel in the Midst of Covid-19?-Footprints in Culture 




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