How to Travel the World while Raising a Family

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Have you always wanted to travel the world but can’t figure out how to make it happen while you’re busy raising a family? Raising a family comes with a lot of responsibilities – from paying the bills, to taking care of your children. As a result, travel often ends up lower on the priority list. But what if I told you that you can still pursue your travel dreams and travel to the countries you’ve always wanted to see, even if you’re raising a family? Sure you probably won’t be jet-setting from country to country, but they’re ways you can still travel while raising your family. Here’s how:

1. Family Vacation

That’s right! Take the kids with you! Makes perfect sense right? Except so many people are afraid to do this. There are people who will say you are crazy for traveling with your kid. Please don’t listen to them. Yes, traveling with kids can be hard. It takes an extra amount of planning, packing, and patience to go on a family vacation when kids are involved. And let’s not get started about how they may or may not behave on the plane. But should that be a reason not to go anywhere? Nope. Why? Because at the end of the day, despite how much work it takes, the priceless moments you share as a family when traveling with your children are totally worth it!

family vacay

Your kids will also learn a lot from traveling. Whether it be patience while en route to your destination, interest in cultural activities, or simply making new friends along the way. My husband and I love seeing our son’s reaction to new places and experiences. We love the way he smiles and how his eyes light up with every new adventure.  Whatever you do, don’t be afraid to travel with your children and don’t be afraid to let them try new things!

To me, the main purpose of a family vacation is spending quality time and building memories with your loved ones. We’ve traveled together as a family since my son was five months, visiting Jamaica; Savannah, Georgia; Toronto, Canada; Balbriggan and Dublin, Ireland, and our most recent family vacation, Hilton Head, South Carolina. Chances are he may not remember everything from these trips. He’s two. But that’s what photos are for. What matters is that we are sharing new experiences together, bonding as a family, and living in moments that we will cherish forever.

family vacation

TIP: If you want to go on a family vacation but are nervous about traveling with your kids, start out small. Go on a road-trip or fly to a close destination that’s only a short distance away. You’ll see how much fun family vacations can be. Check out this Toddler Packing list that will help make your trips go smoothly.

2. Couples Getaway

There are times when you simply want some alone time with your loved one. That’s where the couples getaway comes in. I truly believe that romantic getaways at least once a year are super-important. This is true whether you have kids or not. Traveling with your significant other makes your relationship stronger as you experience new things together.

But what to do when you have kids? Speaking from experience, it’s hard to get away when you have a newborn, and many people don’t feel comfortable leaving their child to go on vacation, especially during the earlier years. That’s perfectly understandable, and you should do what you feel comfortable with.  As they get older however, it will be a lot easier to get back on track with your romantic getaways where it’s just the two of you.

Couples Getaway-Footprints in Culture

If you’re lucky, you probably have family or close friends nearby who have no problem watching your kids. Or you may have a trusted nanny or babysitter who will take care of them while you’re gone. Once you organize everything to make sure your kids are in the right hands, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy your quality time together as a couple. You know what they say, the couple who travels together, stays together.

TIP: Not sure where to go for your couples getaway? Here are some ideas for couples getaway vacation destinations.

3. Mommy and Me Trip

This is not much different from the family vacation … in fact, it is a family vacation, with just you and the kiddos! While it may sound overwhelming at first, a mommy and me trip can be just the experience you need to get some one-on-one time with your children, especially if they are older (hello teenagers).

Mom and Me trip

Mommy and me trips are a perfect opportunity to reconnect with your son/daughter while building memories together.  You will learn a lot about your child and your child will learn a lot about you.

TIP: Try to chose a destination that has age-appropriate activities for your child, so that there are activities you both will enjoy.

4. Group Trip

Then there’s the good old group trip. This may include girls trips, couples trips, group trips with kids, or group trips without. Do you have a group of friends that you can travel with? If so, that’s great! Chances are you’re already traveling together as a group.

If not, and if you’re up for it, why not plan your own group trip? It might be fun. It will be a lot of work, but I’m sure your friends will appreciate you for organizing and even more so for inviting them.

Group Trip-Footprints in Culture

TIP: Group trips aren’t for everyone, so here are a few things to keep in mind when planning a group trip.

5. Solo Trip

Every mom should do a solo trip at least once in their lives. Now when I say solo trip, I’m not talking about simply traveling by yourself. You can travel by yourself but still meet up with family or friends at your destination (that would be more of a family vacation or group trip).

I’m talking about really going solo … experiencing a new culture … navigating a new city … exploring a new country … all on your own. Sounds liberating doesn’t it? So what are you waiting for?

Solo Trip-Footprints in Culture

I never thought of going on a solo trip until recently, and I’m not going to lie, I kind of wish I did it more in my twenties. But just because you wish you did it earlier doesn’t mean you can never go. If it’s something you really want, then you make it happen. I’m going to make it happen.

Solo Travel

And what about my family? This is a lot harder, because you definitely have that mommy guilt for leaving your family for a few days to go on vacation. Talk to your hubby, see if he’s okay with it. If so … yay! (Thanks hun!)

If not, would he be okay if grandma or a babysitter helped out? If there’s no hubby in the picture, then the same idea for the couples getaway applies. Are there close family members or friends whom you trust that would stay with your children (or your children stay by them)? Once you’ve sorted that part out, make sure you’re really okay with going. Then go!

Solo Trip

TIP: If solo trips are new for you but you really want to do it, start out with a short trip, maybe just a weekend. Take baby steps and in no time, it will become easier.

So there you have it. Five different ways you can travel the world while raising a family. Don’t forget your travel accessories and packing lists! It will definitely make planning these trips much easier. Most importantly, never give up on your travel dreams, don’t be afraid to experience new things and new places (whether it’s with a loved one or on your own), and don’t ever stop creating memories with your family!

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